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Our Resident Ghosts

Our spirits:

DVD cover

We believe that Shubal, Sophia and Lewis Merritt, Charles and Hannah Ring and the Sisters of St. Joseph's dog Duke are our regular visitors.

For more Ghostly Information you can check out our Current SIghtings page and watch videos about the Winery on the On TV page.

You can watch a preview of a DVD of the history, legend and ghostly happenings at Marjim Manor as told by Margo Sue Bitter. Video by RIch Kellman Communications.

Full 20 minute video available for purchase online.


Haunted History Trail of New York State visits The Winery at Marjim Manor

You can read more about it on their website:hauntedhistorytrail.com/video-of-recent-visit-to-the-winery-at-marjim-manor/.

Watch the video below:

The Winery at Marjim Manor is a member of the Haunted History Trail
of New York State!

Haunted History Trail of New York State
Haunted History Trail


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